
Search results

  1. Animal Science High School Instructor

    Lancaster High School is looking for an Animal Science Instructor for next school year ...

  2. Back2School Bash

    Grab a new friend, locate your favorite food truck, and lounge on the Plumb Hall Quad while enjoying some of your favorite tunes. We will also have extraordinary balloon and caricature artists throughout the event area. ...

  3. Local FFA Chapter Brings Home the Bacon through ARCOP Grant

    school. While Mrs. Wallace and the other ag educators at Graham High School and Hi-Point Career Center ...

  4. Vet School Lab Position Opening

    Dr. Greg Habing is seeking a part-time, undergraduate, graduate, or DVM student to work on a project focused on transmission of zoonotic and foodborne pathogens in cattle populations. The student will work primarily in a laboratory setting with opportunit ...

  5. CFAES Back2School Bash

    All are welcome and encouraged to attend the 12 th  annual “Bash” on Thursday, August 31 st  from 4:00-7:00 PM on the CFAES campus.  There will be FREE food (trucks), interactive games, free stuff, balloon and caricature artists, club tables, music and mo ...

  6. AnSci Student Leadership Opportunity

    the recruitment of high school students, peer mentorship through the ANIM SCI 1100 & 2700 courses, ... like the CFAES Back2School Bash (B2SB), the ANSCI Faculty-Student Winter Mixer, and Buckeyes In Your ...

  7. Youth-led Presentation on Muslim Americans to be Held on April 4 (rescheduled to April 6)

    religion, and other identity-based topics. Following her introduction, a local high school student, ... mission is to create equitable schools and communities through youth leadership. Register at ...

  8. 4-H Youth Development

    development programs at  Gallia County 4-H  This is the largest non-school youth program in the ...

  9. Honoring the late Godwin Apaliyah

    school students to make them aware of careers in the manufacturing industry. One never wants to receive ...

  10. 2023 Community Food Systems + Farm to School and Early Care Conference RFP is Open

    School and Early Care Conference. The theme will be Growing a Culture of Celebration, celebrating food, ...
