
Search results

  1. Dr. Jack Judy Memorial Scholarship

    Improvement Association. “The student doesn’t have to attend an Ohio school,” Walker said, “but he or she must ...

  2. International Livestock Congress Student Fellowships

    Applications are now being accepted for the 2019 International Livestock Congress Student Fellowships.  The International Livestock Congress (ILC), hosted by the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, is a unique global event that brings leaders from the liv ...

  3. Six honored by CFAES

    of the new Springfield, Ohio based Agricultural Science School) who graduated in 2009 and 2000, ...

  4. Hydrangea School- Delaware, Ohio

    Discover the world of Hydrangeas with OSU Extension’s Eric Barrett as he teaches about types, care, pruning and bloom times. ...

  5. Take a Journey in the Outdoors

    children's mental, physical, and emotional health, and for their success in school. It also has implications ...

  6. Dairy Science Hall of Service: 1960-1969

    numerous state programs. Likewise, he has given generously of his time and talents to school, church, and ... Committee, the American Dairy Science Assoc., and in many church, school and community activities. 1969 Max ...

  7. Dairy Science Hall of Service: 1993-1999

    A graduate of Ohio State University, Moore is a former high school teacher and county extension agent. She is ... and Bonnie were both teachers in the public schools. John's B.S., degree from The Ohio State ... Reality and Dual Role Skills program for six schools in the vocational planning district.  John and Bonnie ...

  8. Dr. D. Elder publishes book

    from the world and yielding to God's will. By making school visits, attending worship services and ...

  9. Dr. Peter Neville hosted by Paws for a Cause

    first companion animal behavior referral clinic in a UK veterinary school (Department of Veterinary ...

  10. Liz Schababerle, Ecologial Engineer Working in Alaska

    internship, she worked with recorders made at the Scripts School of Oceanography to record whale ...
