
Search results

  1. Laura Lindsey

    MS from the School of Environment and Natural Resources at The Ohio State University.  She looks ...

  2. Cloverbuds

    less likely to have problems with drug use, school failure, delinquency, and depression later in life.       ...

  3. Conservation Technology Conference

    University” and “Soybean School” have been replaced with the Crop Management and Precision Technology as ...

  4. Tax Webinar for Farmers and Farmland Owners

    such as new and proposed tax legislation as well as buying and selling farmland. OSU Income Tax Schools ... The OSU Income Tax School Program is a part of OSU Extension and the College of Food, ...

  5. Ohio Land Exchange Project turns Vacant Land into Urban Garden

    OSU's Knowlton School of Architecture. The goals of the project include fighting food security, focusing ...

  6. 2020 Census Noble County Complete Count Committee Formed

    federal funds annually to states, counties, and communities to support resources such as schools ...

  7. Economic Assistance for Agriculture during COVID-19

    for children (under age of 18) if school/childcare is closed due to COVID-19.  A covered employer must ... whose school/day care provider is closed or unavailable due to COVID-19.  Employers with fewer than 50 ... school is closed, or child care is unavailable in cases where the viability of the business is ...

  8. Changes in status of dicamba product labels for Xtend soybeans – a recap

    the availability of dicamba to use POST, the Xtend soybean becomes an old school Roundup Ready ...

  9. Ohio has three national NACDEP award recipients

    Educational Programming), and  Meghan Thoreau (Educational Technology Award- Scholastic High School Drone ...

  10. CD Spring In-Service

    School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) for this day-long in-service at the Nationwide and ...
