
Search results

  1. Back to School

    campus for the start of a new school year, not only are we looking ahead at exciting things such as Farm ...

  2. Keith DiDonato

    fundraising year in the history of the institution, adding $40 million to the school’s campaign. Prior to ...

  3. Career Services

    Some have gone on to veterinary, medical, or other allied health schools and are providing healthcare ...

  4. 2020 OSU Extension Greene County Master Gardener Scholarship

    Gardeners are offering a one-year, renewable $1,000 scholarship to a graduating high school senior or ...

  5. Digital downloads: back to school, back to football

    This bundle includes binder covers, back-to-school pennants, commemorative ticket designs, photo booth props, and a 2023 Ohio State football schedule.  ...

  6. Animal Science High School Instructor

    Lancaster High School is looking for an Animal Science Instructor for next school year ...

  7. CFAES Alumni Society Board of Directors

    '18 Bill Thornton Horticulture and Crop Science Representative BS '61 Kevin McCarty School of ...

  8. Back2School Bash

    Grab a new friend, locate your favorite food truck, and lounge on the Plumb Hall Quad while enjoying some of your favorite tunes. We will also have extraordinary balloon and caricature artists throughout the event area. ...

  9. Local FFA Chapter Brings Home the Bacon through ARCOP Grant

    school. While Mrs. Wallace and the other ag educators at Graham High School and Hi-Point Career Center ...

  10. Vet School Lab Position Opening

    Dr. Greg Habing is seeking a part-time, undergraduate, graduate, or DVM student to work on a project focused on transmission of zoonotic and foodborne pathogens in cattle populations. The student will work primarily in a laboratory setting with opportunit ...
