
Search results

  1. Managing Depression with Diet

    days of the week, lasting more than two weeks, and impacts your work, school, and/or social life ...

  2. East Ohio Women in Ag Conference

    For the 10th year, Ohio State University (OSU) Extension will empower women, high school-age and ...

  3. Virtual Dining with Diabetes

    other practices to help control your blood sugar through our cooking school and nutrition education ...

  4. Virtual Dining with Diabetes Series

    other practices to help control your blood sugar through our cooking school and nutrition education ...

  5. Winter and Backyard Birds: Keep Poultry Safe During Cold Temps

    Marketing School reminders There are several upcoming programs that are coordinated by OSU Extension in ... opportunities.  The last January program will be January 29 th when we will host our Commodity Marketing School ...

  6. Master Gardener Scholarship Applications Being Accepted

    applied as a full-time student to a four-year college/university or a two-year technical school for fall ...

  7. Minor Repairs Can Prevent Big Accidents- Don't Ignore General Fixes

    and Commodity Marketing School reminders There will be two private pesticide and fertilizer applicator ... Marketing School.  In addition to talks on completing your key financial documents and crop insurance ...

  8. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Japanese Stiltgrass

    written Aug. 22, 2011, by David K. Apsley, Natural Resources Specialist, School of Environment and Natural ...

  9. Livestock and Cold Temperatures- Pay Attention to the 'Real Feel'

    Outlook, pesticide/fertilizer certifications, Commodity Marketing School As we move into the new year, ... will be January 29 th when we will host our Commodity Marketing School.  In addition to talks on ... (including upcoming Agronomy School, and Farm Transition Workshop) you can check out the events calendar on ...

  10. Federal Order Addresses Livestock Influenza

    last January program will be January 29 th when we will host our commodity marketing school.  In ...
