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  1. Bowling honored with national early-career teaching award

    a diverse career spanning 17 years in middle school, high school, and higher education. Bowling credits her ...

  2. ACEL faculty, graduate students attend North Central AAAE

    Self-Efficacy in Preservice School-Based Agricultural Education Teachers   Ashley Thompson Dr. Kellie Claflin ... Filson Factors Impacting Career Interest of Middle and High School Students in Agricultural Careers   ...

  3. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Annie Glaser

    and immediately go to work in the greenhouse was extremely beneficial. On top of this school ...

  4. Dr. Emma Grace Matcham

    dairy farm in Lorain Co, but I didn't have much professional interest in forage until grad school ...

  5. New Hire Announcement – Welcome, Dr. Emma Grace Matcham

    interest in forage until grad school when I learned about how nutrient management impacts protein ...

  6. Erika Cortes Gomez

    in the local economy. Why OSU? Ohio State is a renowned agricultural school, including agronomy, ...

  7. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Evili Martins

    farmers, and I did high school in an institution that integrates it with an agriculture technician course. ... research experiments. We also host school groups for tours, where I enjoy sharing my knowledge and passion ... considering we have a small greenhouse. Any advice for students considering graduate school or studying ...

  8. Addie Knight

    in turn may affect host fitness and fruit yield. Why OSU? OSU is a great school for agriculture, and ...

  9. Joanna Moine

    Samarakoon’s lab as a Research Technician before applying to the graduate school. I enjoyed my work as ...

  10. Dr. Jera Niewoehner-Green

    who has engaged students in experiential learning at the high school and post-secondary level for over ... 15 years. She spent nine and a half years as a public-school educator for Metro Nashville Public ... Schools (MNPS) teaching Spanish and Leadership Development courses, as well as working outside the ...
