
Search results

  1. Leadership in the City

    resources to improve your leadership ability and community conditions. The investment in the program is $500 ...

  2. Come to the Butler County Farm Day for Family Fun!

    information, check us out on the web at: News Release provided by Cindy Meyer. ...

  3. How much does foodborne illness cost the U.S.?

    safety problems in a state and how to prioritize resources accordingly.” “(The study) can be used to ... determine the biggest food safety problems in a state and how to prioritize resources accordingly.”—Robert ...

  4. Two OARDC scientists contribute to National Climate Assessment

    the  School of Environment and Natural Resources  and director of the school’s  Carbon Management and ... agriculture, human health, land and water resources, energy supply and use, and ecosystems and biodiversity. ...

  5. Finding Funding Workshop

    funding and grant writing resources available to researchers at Ohio State. This session will focus on ...

  6. City Context

    City Context: What is Unique About Extension Engagement in Cities? Resources Ohio City Data: ...

  7. The best way to learn about water: For students at wetland, the answer is get right into it

    Environment and Natural Resources manages the wetland complex with support from OARDC. The park lies near the ... student, School of Environment and Natural Resources Students, new classes make a splash The park’s fall ...

  8. Learning about Food in Urban Communities

    This resource will help cultivate community through food-related education and sustain economic ...

  9. New Year’s Resolution

    JOY!  You have an entire year to decide what it is! News Release provided by Heather Reister, FCS ...

  10. Working Groups

    through campus and national networks, and approached through multi-disciplinary teams and resources ...
