
Search results

  1. Amanda Schmitmeyer

    to become a peer mentor because I’d like to be a resource to new students and help get them involved ...

  2. China Curbing Purchases of U.S. Soybeans

    the world’s largest oilseed producer, told Bloomberg News that China has essentially stopped buying ...

  3. Name That Tree

    details on how to register. Taught by Kathy Smith, School of Environment and Natural Resources. More ...

  4. CFAES Report Focuses on Ways to Increase Rural Access to Broadband Internet in Ohio

    a White House news release. The Swank report says bridging the digital divide and extending access to ...

  5. Jack Gothier

    abundance of resources, which is why I love this University! I am from Avon, Ohio and attended Avon High ...

  6. Lambing & Kidding School

    “FREE”. Each adult will receive resource material. The Marion County Sheep Improvement Association will ...

  7. Farm Management and Technology Field Day

    natural resources program coordinator for the Mahoning County Extension Office. Eric Romich, energy ... natural resources, will talk about how to incorporate solar technology into a farm and how to use it ... financial aspect, as well as production, to show farmers how to utilize their existing resources,” said ...

  8. Farm Management and Technology Field Day on Aug. 9

    natural resources program coordinator for the Mahoning County Extension Office. Eric Romich, energy ... natural resources, will talk about how to incorporate solar technology into a farm and how to use it ... financial aspect, as well as production, to show farmers how to utilize their existing resources,” said ...

  9. Where to go for all the CFAES policies, resources and support materials you need

    In an effort to provide a single location for faculty and staff to locate policies, resources and ... support materials, the CFAES Faculty/Staff Resources page is being updated. During the month of December, ... months as key resources are identified. If you have resources that you would like to recommend be ...

  10. Field Trip to Judging Contest

    News. ...
