
Search results

  1. Fruit and Vegetable Team

    Bemont County (740) 695-1455 Agriculture and Natural Resources Clifton Martin  Extension ...

  2. Interim Chair Named for Food Science and Technology

    administrators to advance the vision and missions of the department in order to optimize resource needs of the ... department. Administer, allocate, and manage fiscal and human resources in a complex organization with ...

  3. Peggy Hall

    Peggy Hall Attorney and Director, Agricultural and Resource Law Program Agriculture Law 26 Ag ... an associate professor and field specialist in agricultural and resource law.   Hall is a graduate of ... The Ohio State University (B.S., M.S., Natural Resource Policy) and the University of Wyoming College ...

  4. Cinderella Pumpkins? Yes, That's A Real Thing

    a surprise: a cross-pollinated gourd version that's even odder than the previous year’s. For more ...

  5. Building Independence Through Agriculture

    adaptive employment models, as well as identify resources and assistive technology to support workers in ... training and industry credentials might be beneficial for these jobs Providing a list of resources for ... offer support and resources for you and your employees Reviewing potential tax credits for hiring ...

  6. DEI Launches Its First Newsletter and Announces Newsletter Naming Competition

    opportunities, and resources to help support the CFAES community in their efforts to cultivate a welcoming and ... contribute relevant news items, events, professional development opportunities, or community updates and ...

  7. Belury Elected ASN President

    expanding resources for under-represented scholars and expanding partnerships with industry, government, and ... evidence-based nutrition while protecting, sustaining, and enhancing resources for the future. ASN is the ...

  8. A DAY in the WOODS: Introduction to Woodland Stewardship Opportunities

    techniques and resources available to enhance your woodland resources. More events at:  ...

  9. Environmental Professionals Network Breakfast Program

      Discussion by directors of Ohio Department of Agriculture, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, and Ohio ...

  10. Pollinator Garden webinar

    Pollinators    Speaker:  Denise Ellsworth, Program Director, Honeybee and Native Pollinator Education ... Description:  Gardens for pollinators can be just as unique as the individual gardener.  No matter your ... create habitat that benefits pollinators, including bees, birds and butterflies. This session will focus ...
