
Search results

  1. Assisting Distressed Individuals TOMORROW

    Gain information and resources so you can be better prepared to assist distressed individuals. ...

  2. MANRRS meets tonight

    MANRRS (Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences) will meet in Skou ...

  3. How Can I Help?

    we can best help. We also offer educational resources to guide faculty and staff to assist disruptive ... and distressed students, a guide to Community Resources, and educational workshops will be provided ...

  4. September Science Cafe´

    ( Please see the poster below, and feel free to spread the news! We look forward to seeing you ...

  5. Farm Tour Volunteers Sought

    On October 5 and 6, from 12PM to 5PM CFAES Wooster will be part of the Wayne County Farm Bureau’s Farm Tour. ...

  6. What Happens When I Make a Report?

    Team promotes but cannot ensure that students use the resources or seek help when it is offered.  The ... resources to assist them to remain on their academic path.  The Care Team manages the situation by ...

  7. Spread Kindness Campaign

    This campaign reinforces the CFAES Principles of Community to create a home where all are welcome and feel safe. Throughout the week we will have activities for students to engage in conversations with faculty and staff, to pledge to uphold the CFAES Prin ...

  8. Family Day Volunteers Sought

    We are looking for volunteers to help us with some things and would be truly grateful if you could join us for some or all the event. ...

  9. D. Elder and Nathan Crook Facilitate Digital Connectivity in Ghana

    Dr. Elder and Dr. Crook are engaged in a Digital Connectivity project in 12 schools with a combined enrollment of over 4000 students. ...

  10. Teaching Tools and Technology   ...
