
Search results

  1. National Urban Extension Leaders

    National Urban Extension Leaders- Resources  ...

  2. 2014 Annual Report

    and resources of The Ohio State University. The mission of OSU Extension is engaging people to ...

  3. Program Resources

    City Extension Program Resources  ...

  4. Funding Opportunities

    the stature and impact of food, agricultural, and natural resource sciences and ultimately grow ... fellowship and training, career development, scientific conferences, resource and construction, and the ...

  5. Collaborating with Advisors, Officials & Partners

    Collaborating with Advisors, Officials & Partners Resources Agencies U.S. Department of ...

  6. Energy Connections and Resources

    provide you resources to inform your energy decisions.  However, in addition to the Energize Ohio website, ... there are a number of valuable resources that provide additional information.  This list of additional ... resources should connect you with additional tools and readings on relevant energy topics.  As a reminder,  ...

  7. The 2016 LIWOC Empow(HER)ment Retreat

    resources and support services in the realm of academia as well as provide strategies for empowerment, ...

  8. LGBTQ Mix, Mingle, and Munchies

    provides numerous programs, events, resources and leadership opportunities for all students at Ohio State. ... as to connect to resources.  At the "Mix & Mingle" we will be offering free munchies, ... navi"gay"ting Columbus, this fun event will provide the resources you need.  Join us! ...

  9. The 2016 LIWOC Empow(HER)ment Retreat

    OH   The Empow(HER)ment Retreat seeks to connect women students of color and expose them to resources ...

  10. Spiritual Q*mmunity

    questions, connect with others, and seek resources. As a program of the Student Life Multicultural Center, we ...
