
Search results

  1. Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit (PTC)

    a per-kilowatt-hour tax credit for electricity generated by qualified energy resources.  The American Recovery and ... apply to different facilities. Resource Type In-Service Deadline Credit Amount Wind December 31, 2012 ...

  2. Protecting and Promoting Your Research: From Copyright to Commercialization

    Resources Center and the Technology Commercialization Office for a discussion of important things to ...

  3. Past Mini-grant recipients

    and Natural Resources.  The grant was awarded $2000 to support Youth Beat, a radio program organized ...

  4. Ohioians in favor of Energy Efficency

    A recent phone survey conducted by the  National Resources Defense Council found that overall, ...

  5. Research Writing 101: Best Practices for Citation Management

    Services for a discussion about the resources that can keep you efficient and organized as you prepare to ...

  6. Post Baccalaureate Preparation Conference

    graduating class ODI Young Scholars Students ODI Campus Change Students Todd A. Bell National Resource Center ...

  7. NUEL Pre-Meeting

    your organization as a resource to advance policy creation and change without crossing the line of ... available resource. We’ll also explore how to best identify existing advocates within a community and ...

  8. Habits of Highly-Effective PIs: Succeeding in Research at Ohio State

    roles and responsibilities of PIs at Ohio State?  Looking for resources to support your research ...

  9. Budget Preparation

    objectives with an appropriate amount of resources. A budget should also demonstrate that the University’s ...

  10. Northwest Ohio HERC Cluster Meeting: Broadening the Diversity Conversation

    A long-time HERC partner, Diverse (formerly Black Issues In Higher Education), has been America’s premier news ...
