
Search results

  1. Chillicothe Two-Day Tax School, Dec. 1-2, 2016

    resources Business entity issues Financial distress Business issues Death of a taxpayer Domestic production ...

  2. Kent Two-Day Tax School, Nov. 7-8, 2016

    cases, with an update on the Affordable Care Act Retirement Agriculture and natural resources Business ...

  3. Waldo Two-Day Tax School, Nov. 10-11, 2016

    resources Business entity issues Financial distress Business issues Death of a taxpayer Domestic production ...

  4. Columbus Two-Day Tax School, Dec. 8-9, 2016

    cases, with an update on the Affordable Care Act Retirement Agriculture and natural resources Business ...

  5. Ashland Two-Day Tax School, Nov. 28-29, 2016

    resources Business entity issues Financial distress Business issues Death of a taxpayer Domestic production ...

  6. Lima Two-Day Tax School, Nov. 17-18, 2016

    cases, with an update on the Affordable Care Act Retirement Agriculture and natural resources Business ...

  7. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Resources Available

    Congratulations on making it through the busy tax season. We hope you are enjoying a slower pace. Now it’s time to learn about the details of the most sweeping change to the U.S. tax code in decades, the historic Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. As a 2017 OSU Exten ...

  8. Resources

    Ohio State University Extension College of Food, Agriculture and Environmental Science Cornell University Dairy Summaries New York Dairy Farm Summary and Analysis   University of Minnesota Center for Farm Financial Management U.S. Depart ...

  9. Produce Safety Rule to Change the Way Fresh Fruit, Vegetables Are Grown and Handled

    operations, said Peggy Hall, field specialist in agricultural and resource law for Ohio State University ...

  10. Planning for the Future of Your Farm Workshop

    Agricultural & Resource Law Program, Robert Moore. Workshop Topics include:  Developing Goals for Estate ...
