
Search results

  1. Protecting Income Over Feed Cost Margin on U.S. Dairy Farms

    Agriculture Market News-Monthly Soybean Meal Price Report. The ration is based on nutritional requirements of ...

  2. VOLUME 19, ISSUE 5


  3. Ways to Give

    to enhance their sites and further develop their resources and camping programs. Volunteer ...

  4. Groundbreaking Ceremony featured in Daily Record

    provided a lot of resources and a lot of people and the "resilient" OARDC community, Slack said. ...

  5. The Good News: Feed Costs Have Declined Over the Past Year

      We’ve been tracking the cost of nutrients over the past three years, based on the estimates obtained from SesameIII predictions.  Since last fall, the average cost of nutrients to feed a cow producing 75 lb/day of milk has decreased 70¢/day (Figure 1).  ...

  6. VOLUME 19, ISSUE 4


  7. New Environmental Resources

    Dr. Maurice Eastridge, Dairy Specialist, Ohio State University (top of page) The Ohio Livestock Coalition and associated partners have recently released two publications that can be very helpful to dairy producers and they can be printed from the web: 1) ...

  8. Bioprocessing Research Lab- People

    University  in Costa Rica in Agricultural Sciences and Conservation of Natural Resources. At EARTH, Eddie ...

  9. 1980's

    Buckeye Farm News, he supported and encouraged the submission of 4-H news and activities for publication. ... and has put forth the extra effort needed to work with youth who have few resources, low self-esteem, ... family problems. She has served as a valuable resource person for new advisors in need of counsel and ...

  10. VOLUME 19, ISSUE 3

