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  1. Ohio State Researchers: Milk Date Labels Contribute to Food Waste

    reducing food waste, which has social implications as well,” Roe said. “It’s very resource intensive to ... household spending more than $2,000 annually on wasted food, according to a study by the Natural Resources ...

  2. December 2018 Highlights

    Congratulations to Dr. Phil Minerich on receiving a 2019 CFAES Distinguished Alumni Award.  He received his BS in Food Science from OSU in 1976 and will be honored at the CFAES Alumni Awards Luncheon on March 2nd at the Fawcett Event Center in Columbus. T ...

  3. Summer Food Service Program

    Summer Food Service Program Resource Materials Sidewalk Chalk Activity Ideas (2010) [DOC] FY13 ...

  4. November 2018 Highlights

    Dr. Yael Vodovotz’s functional food research was recently featured in Agri-Pulse. Dr. Ahmed Yousef spoke with WSYX ABC6 about the recent romaine lettuce E. Coli outbreak. Dr. Abby Snyder talks about E. Coli contamination in a recent CFAES Chow Line articl ...

  5. Ohio State’s Stone Lab Partners With Ohio Foundations On Field Trip Scholarships

    Program, which is dedicated to the protection and sustainable use of marine and Great Lakes resources ...

  6. July 2018 Highlights

    The Institute of Food Technologist’s IFT18 was held in Chicago this month and our department was well represented during the annual meeting. We had over 35 students and faculty participating this year in some capacity that included, but not limited to, po ...

  7. Poster Infomation

    final list of names and poster title  September 9 Resources for poster creation ...

  8. Youth Programs

    Resources for Teachers including experiments, lessons and videos ...

  9. March 2018 Highlights

    Congratulations to the following faculty on their 2018 IFT Achievement Award. The Nicolas Appert Award will be awarded to Dr. Dennis Heldman, the William V. Cruess Award for Excellence in Teaching will be awarded to Dr. Luis Rodriguez-Saona, the Stephen S ...

  10. Online Food Directories for Ohio Consumers

    Agriculture).  In addition to these online directories, there are many resources promoting local food from ... regional and county-wide sources. Different parts of the state have different resources. Look for ... for products listed, nor is criticism meant for products not listed.   Additional Resources: Ohio Food ...
