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Ohio Drought Impacting Potential Corn Yields
University Extension agronomist, said that corn is entering the pollination stage, a critical development ... tells you their corn is gone before pollination. That means the drought is so severe that plants have ... good news, said Thomison, is that drought impact on cornfields is very localized, and there's hope ...
Beach Monitoring Practices Webinar
resource managers and outreach professionals. Tune into this month's edition of The Current webinar ...
Beach Monitoring Practices Webinar
swimmable waters in the North Central Region, beach monitoring is an ongoing challenge for water resource ...
New Insight on Pollinators May Aid Strawberry Production
pollination transforms the flowers into fruit. "The blooms have to be open wide enough for the insects to ... get in and pollinate," said Ohio State research assistant Diane Hartzler, pointing to blooms that ... were either partially or fully open. "If the blooms don't get pollinated, the result is ...
Media Advisory: Ohio State Experts Available to Speak on Bees and Pesticides
reporters about honey bees, native pollinators and the potential effects of pesticides on them. Reed ... (beekeeping) and on pollinator toxicology (adverse effects of chemicals) and genomics (genes and their ... function). His research, he says, seeks "to understand how to protect pollinators from the pesticides ...
OSU Wooster Grad Students, Visiting Scholars lead Honduras Hurricane Relief Drive
American music that has itself experienced flooding, also helped in collecting. ...
Summer Produce- Enjoy Fresh and Preserve for the Year
difference between a water bath canner & a pressure canner Food preservation resources Questions, please ...
Dr. M. Sanjayan: "Earth and People – Lessons in Living Together, Preserving our Present and Enriching our Future"
Sanjayan is a leading global conservation scientist, writer and an Emmy-nominated news contributor focused ... documentaries for Discovery Channel, PBS, and the BBC and serving as a frequent contributor to CBS News. He was ... awareness. Also in 2014 he returned as the featured contributor to the BBC World News series The Power of ...
Home Food Preservation
call in advance to schedule a day and time. OSU Extension Food Preservation Resources (2 page handout)- ...
Increasing Yields by Suppressing Soilborne Pests via Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation Documented by Ram Khadka’s Dissertation
children most involved. This thanks to the resources of CFAES and funding from USAID’s Feed the Future ...