
Search results

  1. Meet Leah Bevis, Assistant Professor of Sustainable Food and Farm Policy

    development, human health and welfare, and biophysical resources. Biophysical resources are a key constraint on ...

  2. Past Mini-grant recipients

    and Natural Resources.  The grant was awarded $2000 to support Youth Beat, a radio program organized ...

  3. Environmental Non-Market Valuation Book Edited by Tim Haab Receives Rave Reviews

    2013 edition of the journal Marine Resource Economics.  The review was conducted by Daniel V. Gordon, ... values on non-market resources. Dr. Gordon takes notice of the outstanding job the editors did in ...

  4. Legal Liability for Food Products will be Topic at Two Ohio Small Farm Conferences

    On Saturday March 8, 2014, OSU Extension Agricultural & Resource Law Attorney, Peggy Hall, and ...

  5. C. William Swank Program in Rural-Urban Policy Examines Food Insecurity in Ohio

    Program news and research initiatives. At each biannual meeting the Swank team invites discussion on ...

  6. New AEDE Staff Members

    along with pressures from limited agricultural resources and new pests/ diseases. Agriculture continues ...

  7. AEDE Participation at Southern Regional Science Association Annual Meetings in Charlotte, NC

    Policy."   Mark Partridge was elected as a SRSA fellow.   Graduate Program Natural Resources Regional ...

  8. Professor Elena Irwin Participates in “Rethinking Global Land Use in an Urban Era” at the Ernst Strüngmann Forum in Frankfurt, Germany

    resources; Identify the new forms of distal land connection in the 21st century and their implications for ... discussion groups; these groups focus on a particular theme each: finite land resources and competition; ... in the group focused on finite land resources and competition due to her extensive research in this ...

  9. Assistant or Associate Professor- Sustainable Development and Economy

    growth; equity; resource use; technological change; socio-ecological systems; sustainable and resilient ... Economics; and in partnership with the School of Environmental and Natural Resources, a rapidly growing B.S. ... four new hires in the department focused on sustainable resource management in the 21 st century.  The ...

  10. Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference Series- Washington County

    issues, and market behavior with respect to farm, food, energy resources, and the environment. Washington ...
