
Search results

  1. Dairy Outlook: July 2023

    Chris Zoller, Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Tuscarawas County, Ohio State ...

  2. Employee Training Resources for Animal Care in the Dairy Industry

    Ryan McMichael, Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Mercer County, O hio State ... doesn’t have a training program setup or perhaps it may need to be updated, there are several resources ... available to assist farms with their needs. One of the resources would be to seek out and utilize the ...

  3. Building Entrepreneur-Friendly Communities in Ohio

    and resources are difficult to access or do not exist in the community. The Building an ... entrepreneurial growth and success. The BEFC program includes three interactive modules, providing the resources ... resources, and creates realistic goals to move the community forward. The BEFC Program can be taught to local ...

  4. Business Transition Planning

    advisors Resources for business transition planning Watch the program video! Program presented by Hannah ...

  5. VOLUME 25: ISSUE 4


  6. Dairy Palooza Wrap-Up

    of several donors who committed their resources to the dairy 4-H youth of Ohio.  This year, we ...

  7. 2023 Dairy Hall of Service Recognition

    Agent in Agriculture and Natural Resources. She became a District Dairy Extension Specialist in 1999, ...

  8. Trevor Corboy

    Corboy is the Agriculture and Natural Resources & Community Development Extension Educator for OSU ...

  9. JIT Inventory: Amazon-Yes, Dairy Producer-No

    and saves money by coordinating inbound supply resources to meet daily manufacturing capacity. ... resources for manufacturers. Agriculture was not exempt from that disruption and currently these supply ...

  10. VOLUME 25: ISSUE 3

