
Search results

  1. ACI October Networking Call

    cooperative projects, discuss best practices, and learn about cooperative development resources. This informal ... meeting brings together individuals across the region to discuss development resources and learn more ...

  2. South Centers highlights ag careers for students

    program of USDA, as well as an online resource for educators available at ...

  3. ABC-3 Learning Modules and Resources 2024

          Coming soon. ...

  4. Introducing the Controlled Environment Agriculture Program!

    Resources Laboratory. How does the CEARC tie into this program? Dr. Owen’s Lab utilizes the CEARC for much ...

  5. Dr. Stephanie Karhoff

    Extension career as an Agriculture & Natural Resources Educator in Williams County before starting my ...

  6. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Dr. Emma Grace Matcham

    asset during my job search, and the international network of CCAs has been a great resource for me. The ...

  7. New Hire Announcement – Welcome, Dr. Yu Ma!

    background in plant germplasm resources. She is passionate about teaching, is collaborative, and will be an ... that emphasizes the management of genetic resources for herbaceous ornamental plants. Wow, that's ... preserving it when I took the Plant Germplasm Resources class. During my graduate school study, I was ...

  8. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Dr. Michael Dzakovich

    a fantastic committee that helped me become a better scientist and time/resource manager and I was able to ...

  9. Student Spotlight: Cullen Dixon

    took place in the Howlett Greenhouse and  Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources Laboratory ...

  10. New Hire Announcement – Welcome, Dr. Fernanda Krupek!

    available/ongoing efforts and building capacity from those resources.  Relationship-building:  invest in ... and history/theology-related ones. Time and resources permitting, my next hobby is traveling to ...
