
Search results

  1. Farms Need An Emergency Plan

    John Yost is an extension educator IV, Agriculture and Natural Resources, at OSU Extension-Wayne ... plan farm safety preparedness emergency management plan ANR events Agriculture and Natural Resources ...

  2. Nurturant Grandfathering: Investment Work

    time, energy, and financial resources invested in a grandchild’s future. Unlike the other dimensions of ... energy, time, and resources grandfathers put forth to care for, serve, meet the developmental needs of, ...

  3. Rylee Kay Puthoff

    Rylee Kay Puthoff Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources Shelby County ...

  4. University Resources

    Links to University Resources Below you will find a collection of links to core resources ... resources first before reaching out to the Service Center with specific questions or requests. ...   Administrative Resource Center (ARC) Contains resources for using Workday Finance and related Payroll and HR ...

  5. Using a Waterslide to Introduce STEM to Younger Youth

    Given the need for an increased scientific employee base, this is promising news.   STEM programs have ... sure to have an adult field test the slide first.  Further Resources and Research   Want to scaffold ... this learning by having students design their own water slides first? Check out this resource ...

  6. Managing Marestail in No-till Soybeans

    ANR-72 Agriculture and Natural Resources 06/12/2019 Mark M. Loux, The Ohio State University, and ... Agriculture and Natural Resources Horticulture and Crop Science ...

  7. Some Options for Resourceful Living

    Sciences Being resourceful is the ability to find and use available resources to solve problems and achieve ... online resources such as webinars, articles, podcasts, and videos. Ask an expert—use store personnel or ...

  8. Title: Drought Intensifies But Wet Weather Tries

    conditions and resources, visit our Drought Response Page or for the latest up-to-date conditions, seasonal ...

  9. The Basics of Grant Writing: Becoming Grant Ready

    you’ll save the time and resources needed to find the funder, assemble the information, and write the ... see if the local foundation is a match. Use online foundation directory resources. Several of these ... resources exist. One example is Candid (formerly known as the Foundation Directory), which allows you to ...

  10. Farmers and Carbon Markets: Informational Needs and Attitudes

    of farmers and landowners considering participation in carbon markets. Exciting News at the Farm ...
