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  1. September 2017 Highlights

    The department had over 100 students and families in attendance for the first annual FST scholarship dinner last week. Students who received a departmental scholarship this year and their guests were able to enjoy dinner and hear from department chair Dr. ...

  2. August 2017 Highlights

    We are pleased to announce the 2017 OSU FST Hall of Distinction recipients:  Mr. David H. Brown Dr. Surinder Kumar Mr. John Miller Mr. Donald Schriver Mr. Timothy Smucker Dr. James Harper- posthumous Mark your calendar and plan to join us on October 6th a ...

  3. July 27 Field Day to Feature Field Crops

    assistant professor of environment and natural resources; Anthony Dobbels, research specialist in ...

  4. Get Your Fertilizer Applicator Certification at Mahoning County's July 26 Field Day

    resources,” said Barrett. “Farmers earn their living from the land and want to ensure the land is healthy and ...

  5. Field Crops Day at Northwest Research Station

    assistant professor of environment and natural resources; Anthony Dobbels, research specialist in ...

  6. Homecoming Programming Day Tours

    complete, the tour continued to the Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources Laboratory led by CFAES ... Parker Food Science & Technology Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources Laboratory Wilma H. ...

  7. Livestock Manure and Weed Field Day

    resources educator, and Glen Arnold, OSU Extension educator and field specialist in manure nutrient ...

  8. Volunteer Pollinator Class


  9. Volunteer Pollinator Class


  10. Volunteer Pollinator Class

