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  1. 2013 News & Notes Archive

    in Public Settings November 10 INDEX: 11.5.13 Resources, Yough Financial Literacy Contest, Local STEM ... Resource,  4-H New & Notes Improvements May 12 INDEX:  Send a 4-H E-Card, 4-H Lawn Care, Ohio ... Needs Camp, OHio Pullorum Testing, Scarlet & Gray 4-H Judging, 4-H Volunteer Resources, OSU College ...

  2. Cloud computing and the future of agriculture

    agriculture, increasing crop yield, and helping to conserve natural resources, fight hunger and create a more ...

  3. Experts meet at OARDC to discuss challenges, growth of U.S. bioeconomy

    challenges faced in evolving a bioeconomy — an economy based on the sustainable use of renewable resources ... use of renewable resources. Already provides 4 million jobs, $369 billion A June U.S. Department of ...

  4. Good Agricultural Practices

    Practices (GAPs). Learn about the scientific basis behind best practices and get helpful tools and resources ...

  5. Good Agricultural Practices

    Practices. Through a strong scientific basis, they provide tools and resources to develop risk assessments ...

  6. How much does foodborne illness cost the U.S.?

    safety problems in a state and how to prioritize resources accordingly.” “(The study) can be used to ... determine the biggest food safety problems in a state and how to prioritize resources accordingly.”—Robert ...

  7. Purpose

    Ohio 4-H and provide cutting-edge research, teaching resources and service opportunities.  Volunteers ... a successful youth development program. The 4-H Center will provide volunteers with the resources and ...

  8. Ohio State Fair

    rides, roving performers, youth agricultural competitions, horse shows, an eight acre natural resources ...

  9. Two OARDC scientists contribute to National Climate Assessment

    the  School of Environment and Natural Resources  and director of the school’s  Carbon Management and ... agriculture, human health, land and water resources, energy supply and use, and ecosystems and biodiversity. ...

  10. Finding Funding Workshop

    funding and grant writing resources available to researchers at Ohio State. This session will focus on ...
