
Search results

  1. Northwest Ohio HERC Cluster Meeting: Broadening the Diversity Conversation

    A long-time HERC partner, Diverse (formerly Black Issues In Higher Education), has been America’s premier news ...

  2. Habits of Highly-Effective PIs: Succeeding in Research at Ohio State

    roles and responsibilities of PIs at Ohio State?  Looking for resources to support your research ...

  3. Budget Preparation

    objectives with an appropriate amount of resources. A budget should also demonstrate that the University’s ...

  4. Fair Use and You: Copyright Considerations for Writing Theses and Dissertations

    a wall with your writing and need some support to get back on track?  Join the Copyright Resources Center ...

  5. Training Support Fund

    support). The maximum amount that will be awarded is $500, resources are finite, and once the funds have ...

  6. 8th Annual Ohio Diversity and Leadership Conference

                                                                                         Our two-day conference will afford organizations the opportunity to explore tools and resources ...

  7. Farm Forum October Meeting

    Layne Garringer District Conservationist with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service ...

  8. "Opening Doors to Success" Small Farm Conference March 11-12

    Resources The Saturday sessions in the Boyd Cultural Arts Center will cover a variety of topics including ...

  9. "Opening Doors to Success" Small Farm Conference March 11-12

    Resources The Saturday sessions in the Boyd Cultural Arts Center will cover a variety of topics including ...

  10. New and Small Farm College

    Resources" March 2- Session 5: "Financial and Production Record- Keeping and Taxes" March 9- ...
