
Search results

  1. Debbie Surprises but Drought Intensifies Across the Southeast

    and resources, visit our Drought Response Page. Recent severe weather and torrential rainfall hit ...

  2. Elevator Pitch: Michelle Pham explains urban bee research

    conservation, and developing quality habitats for these important pollinators. UnBEElievable! ...

  3. Ph.D. Candidate Brandon Shannon Talks About Risks to Honey Bees

    pollination services. Colony losses attributed to pesticide applications thought to have low risk to honey ...

  4. Headed to Columbus and need a workspace?

    For faculty and staff seeking a quiet and private workspace, explore the diverse hoteling options available across the Columbus campus. ...

  5. Strong Storm Damage to Corn – What to expect?

    occurs during pollination time (Table 1). Root lodging is less of an issue when corn is at vegetative ...

  6. Volunteers & Club Forms

    4-H Volunteer Information, Forms & Resources Volunteers and parents help make 4-H possible. ...

  7. OTDI Updates

    university AI resources. To add your department's AI projects or events, email · Microsoft ...

  8. IT changes

    Here is a quick rundown of some of the IT changes you should be aware of to start the semester. ...

  9. ATI Grad in the News: Dr. Casey Skowron

    ATI graduate Dr. Casey Skowron was recently featured in the BG Independent News. He is the Wood ...

  10. Lep Monitoring Network – News on Fall Armyworm (FAW), WBC and CEW, Update # 17

    This past week was our 17 th week of monitoring for Ohio pests at the Lep Network; we began reports for the fall armyworm, continued reporting on the corn earworm, and are finishing out our last week of western bean cutworm scouting. As we have been discu ...
