
Search results

  1. CD Wire- September 8, 2020

    altered my career forever. I completed my Master of Science in marine resources management at Texas ... conflict resources. Respectful Dialogue Toolkit Available: To achieve a fairer, more equitable and just ... found in the September issue of R&GE Research News ...

  2. CD Wire- December 2, 2019

    Agriculture and Natural Resources (BANR) Lecture Series, is available  here. Vita Training- December/January: ... “syllabus” as a learning tool, teaching resource, a learner-centered working document for both educator and ... REMINDERS / UPDATES / NEWS: Phishing Scheme Targeting Ohio State Employees: There’s a new phishing scheme ...

  3. CD Wire- July 1, 2019

    Strategic Alignment Opportunities How do you best utilize the resources you have if you don’t really know ... about the resources you have? How do you know where you will end up if you really have no idea where you ... most of the CFAES resources for the future, I encourage you to participate in the upcoming ...

  4. CD Wire- April 6, 2020

    more programming? If you have a published news article, an updated fact sheet, a published academic ... resources and work together to solve world issues. The Provost's Discovery Themes Lecturer Program ... ***************************************************************************** COVID-19 RELATED INFORMATION / RESOURCES: Knowledge Exchange COVID-19 Hub Launch:  The new ...

  5. CD Wire- January 4, 2021

    of resources. As one of our newest members of Community Development, I want to encourage you to reach ... Ohio State University Extension as the agriculture and natural resources and community development ... array of resources. Recently I joined my local health and wellness coalition group. My goal is to help ...

  6. CD Wire- February 15, 2021

    research support ecosystem and The Ohio State Universities Libraries’ resources available on this topic. ... about the website and use the interactive resources that are part of it. Recent droughts across the ... help engage community members in the planning process provides resources and worksheets to help select ...

  7. CD Wire- December 14, 2020

    with individuals and groups to make them aware of all of the resources available through Extension. ... / NEWS: Ohio NACDEP Meeting Recording: If you weren't able to make it to the Ohio NACDEP meeting ... Articles/Publications of Interest: Turning a weed into a profit-yielding crop (CFAES News) Research News (December 2020) ...

  8. CD Wire- August 17, 2020

    Develop your own skilled workforce: “reskilling” and “upskilling” Develop your internal resources ... what specific resources are out there that can help as well as invite participants to discuss their own ... register. The organizers hope that this event will: serve as a space where the tools and resources available ...

  9. CD Wire- April 19, 2021

    Aquaculture Collaborative and Ohio Sea Grant on April 28 from 1 to 2 p.m. for a webinar about resources for ... great fish in the Great Lakes. You will also learn about resources to find the freshest fish from ... fishery resources Titus Seilheimer, Fisheries Outreach Specialist Wisconsin Sea Grant Titus has been ...

  10. CD Wire- February 17, 2020

    burnout, stress, mental health, connecting with resources, and more.  Register. Read more. Day of ... teaming up with the Water Management Association of Ohio (WMAO), the Ohio Water Resources Center, and ... educational program focused on non-regional and regional climate change effects on water resources. This event ...
