
Search results

  1. Cultivating Change for LGBTQ+ Students Interested in Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

    attend the annual national summit, a 3-day conference that focuses on providing resources and networking ... Ohio State have access to a wealth of resources and contacts at important agencies such as the USDA. ...

  2. Faculty Search Committees

    University's new faculty hiring framework and introduced a new website containing extensive resources and an ... within each phase. These individual steps are composed of actions, training, templates and resources ... addition to providing support and resources, creating ease and efficiency for each of the academic units. ...

  3. Safety Through the Seasons 2023

    Safety & Health Team. The goal is to provide seasonal safety news and activities that may be ...

  4. Resources for Student Parents

    by: 1) add a link about childcare resources to your student services web page, 2) include an ... a centralized resource for students and employees seeking supportive measures for pregnancy and related ...

  5. Our Mission and Vision

    all identities through educational webinars, workshops, online resources, and individual ...

  6. Diversity and Social Justice Glossary

    help spur discussions. Much of this resource was compiled and adapted from existing resources provided ... address the underlying and systemic differences of opportunity and access to social resources. Differs ...

  7. Fall Foliage Open House at Arboretum North

    Activity stations around the lake including:  Tree identification and pollinator garden design    Apple ...

  8. Safety Through the Seasons 2022

    Safety & Health Team. The goal is to provide seasonal safety news and activities that may be ...

  9. DEI Launches Its First Newsletter and Announces Newsletter Naming Competition

    opportunities, and resources to help support the CFAES community in their efforts to cultivate a welcoming and ... contribute relevant news items, events, professional development opportunities, or community updates and ...

  10. Tree Campus Higher Education

    Environment and Natural Resources Dustin Moore- Lead Arborist, OSU Landscape Services Treavon Clark- OSU GIS ...
