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  1. Sustainable Farming Conference Features 17 Ohio State Presenters, Feb. 14-16

    Resources to Achieve Your Farm Goals,” Sunday, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Early bird registration ranges from the $65 ...

  2. Events Calendar

    the School of Environmental and Natural Resources, will present on urban coyotes as well.  More ...

  3. iTunes U course offered by SENR Faculty Member is Bestseller

    professor in the School of Environmental and Natural Resources is currently ranked by Apple as the 33rd ...

  4. National Invasive Species Awareness Week

    Species? The Ohio Woodland Stewards Program part of OSU’s School of Environment and Natural Resources ... Aquatic Ecosystems, School of Environment and Natural Resources.  How can I help in identifying and ...

  5. Spring Career Day

    general management, computer information science, graphic design, human resources, marketing, sales, ... Matrix%202014_v22814_2.pdf To prepare for the fair, check out these resources ...

  6. OCVN Announces Inaugural Chapter in Central Ohio

    and citizen stewardship of Ohio's natural resources through science-based education and community ...

  7. OSU Expert: Extreme Winter Weather May Mean Extra Feed for Livestock

    prepared for the weather, said Rory Lewandowski, agriculture and natural resources educator for the ...

  8. Protecting Pollinators from Pesticides Webinar- Online

    Dr. Elizabeth Long, assistant professor with OSU Entomology will present on protecting bees and other pollinators from pesticides.  ...

  9. SENR Student Observation: Comeback kids? Bobwhites seen in Columbus

    a non-traditional student in (CFAES’s) School of Environment and Natural Resources.   “Prior to attending my ENR ...

  10. CTC Conference Offers Corn Growers Insight into Conventional and Drought-tolerant Hybrids during ‘Corn University’

    Resources Conservation Service, and the Ohio No-Till Council. Peter Thomison 614-292-2373 ...
