
Search results

  1. Soil and Water Field Night (Thursday, July 28, 2016) at OSU South Centers

    Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Pike Soil and Water Conservation ...

  2. CFAES hosts Ethiopian visitors as part of the One Health Initiative

    natural resources sector through academic instruction, research, and outreach. These comments were ... Environment and Natural Resources. The research conducted by his team attempts to improve agroecosystems in ...

  3. Leave the Tilling to Mother Nature

    Alan Sundermeier, director and agriculture and natural resources educator in OSU Extension’s Wood ...

  4. Cooperate Globally, Act Locally- Collaborative Stories of CFAES faculty and Borlaug Fellows

    (PhilRice), is working with Dr. Rattan Lal (School of Environment and Natural Resources) on a project entitled ...

  5. The French connection: Climate-smart agriculture and soil health workshop

    serving as a Research Associate in the Soil, Water and Bioenergy Resources Program at the Ohio State ...

  6. CFAES Faculty Speak at World Bank Symposium on Higher Ed Partnerships and International Capacity-building

    Resources both provided their insight during the one day meeting in Washington D.C., and shared their ...

  7. OCARD receives award to host 2nd Aquaculture Boot Camp (ABC-2)

    and new aquaculture/aquaponic farmers with less than 10 years of farming experience. Limited-resource ...

  8. International Researchers & Ohio State Faculty Collaborate to Improve Food Security, Carry on the Legacy of Norman Borlaug

    Environment and Natural Resources, served as Kwame’s advisor and is accustomed to mentoring many international ... these genetic resources, agricultural biotechnologists like Mohamed can promote genetic diversity that ... the National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation in Fort Collins, Colorado – one of the world’s ...

  9. Ohio State iAGRI Graduate Curbing the Devastating Effects of Rice Blast Disease

    at SUA, human resource capacity building is one of the other major objectives of the iAGRI project. ...

  10. Endeavor Center accomplishments

    combat negative impact to the economy while promoting the resources and talents of those in the region. ...
