
Search results

  1. Combating Ohio's Opioid Crisis

    referrals for resources to help, Rennekamp said. “The training is designed to help agency professionals and ...

  2. Business Office Updates

    Gloria will be out of the office Monday 9/23 through Friday 10/4. The business office now has 3 portable WIFI units you can sign out for a class or research. We are now scheduling SKOU 217 as an additional conference room option. ...

  3. Paws and Pumpkins

    Saturday October 26, 2019 10:00am – 2:00pm.  This event is free and open to the public! ...

  4. 'An Ohio State Story': Lab Idea Yields 60 Local Jobs, New Green Industry

    Reconstruction of Tornado-stricken Building on Ohio State's Wooster Campus Conservation CFAES News Team ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-23

    and early May. Following pollination, kernel development (or grain fill) is the most critical period ... tip kernel abortion occurs when the youngest kernels resulting from the most recent pollination are ... the first two weeks after pollination (during R2, the blister stage). Four days of severe drought at ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-07

    cross-pollination) nearby non-GMO corn. Ohio growers of identity preserved (IP) non-GMO corn should become more ... Other research has indicated that cross-pollination between corn fields could be limited to 1 percent or ... a whole field basis by a separation distance of 984 ft. However, cross-pollination could not be limited to ...

  7. School of Environment and Natural Resources Seminar Series, Columbus

    School of Environment and Natural Resources Seminar Series  presents Christopher Peterson, chair ...

  8. Webinar offers Management and Monitoring Tips for Spotted Wing Drosophila

    bad news about this pest is that is it widespread and causes significant damage,” said Welty, who also ...

  9. Ohio State Research: Fat in Avocado Helps Body Absorb, Convert Vitamin A Nutrients

    Conservation CFAES News Team 614-292-2270 ...

  10. East Ohio Women in Agriculture Conference, New Philadelphia

    involved in food, agriculture, natural resources or small business. Registration by March 13 is $55 for ...
