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  1. Collaborative @OSU Grant Writing Workshop: An Introduction

    narrative; seeking funding; including the SPIN Funding Opportunities system and other funding resources; and ...

  2. Entrepreneurship Roundtable

    ENTREPRENEURSHIP ROUNDTABLE To learn about resources available to start or grow your business and ...

  3. Duane Rigsby: Problem Solved

    interestingly always wanted to be a forest ranger, earned a degree in natural resources from Hocking College. He ...

  4. LabArchives Professional Edition Overview

    enhance research productivity and data integrity. Identify resources available to support LabArchives ...

  5. OSU South Centers to host Blueberry, Bramble, and Wine Grape Field Night

    Development; Commercial Horticultural and Specialty Crops; Soil, Water and Bioenergy Resources. The Business ... resources for business owners and managers, entrepreneurs, youth, community leaders and educators, and ...

  6. Islam serves as NASEM/NRC technical review committee member

    By Rafiq Islam Soil, Water and Bioenergy Resources Program Rafiq Islam participated at The ...

  7. Grant Writing: An Introduction

    Opportunities system and other funding resources, and examples of writing that is both persuasive and clear. ...

  8. Finding Funding: SPIN Workshop

    accessing other funding and grant writing resources available to researchers at Ohio State. BYOD-  Attendees ...

  9. July 15, 2017 ABC-2 Monthly Module

    financial health: pitfalls and strategies for success (Carole R. Engle 2:15:51) Additional Resources ...

  10. Welcome Dr. Alima Arzouma Bandaogo

    Africa has recently joined our Soil, Water and, Bioenergy Resources Program. Currently, she is employed ... prestigious USDA-FAS Borlaug fellowship to work in the Soil, Water, and Bioenergy Resources Program of The ...
