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  1. Farm S.O.S (Strategies On Safety)

    resource. The  topics listed below contain a useable presentation with speaker notes. Supplemental videos ... was developed as training resources for farmers, farm families and employees. Curriculum-  Click on ...

  2. National Farm Safety & Health Week 2018

    Cultivating the Seeds of Safety is the theme of this year’s National Farm Safety and Health Week, taking place September 16- 22, 2018. Emerging issues and important topics will be highlighted daily ...

  3. Heat Stress Illness and Skin Cancer Prevention

    Great safety and health materials can come from a variety of organizations and programs. Here is a great info-graphic on heat – related illness from the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety and an info- graphic on skin cancer prevention from ...

  4. Emergency Management Planning and Education

    Extension personnel with a valuable resource that can be used to prepare for natural and man-made disasters ...

  5. Faculty Participate in First-Ever "DC Days"

    (left to right): Sarah Elvey (GDSU), Lauren Pintor (Environment & Natural Resources), Francesca ...

  6. Building Independence through Agriculture for People with Developmental Disabilities

    • Identify resources and challenges that impact employment Who should attend? • Occupational and Physical ...

  7. USDA / NIFA Funding

    natural resource sciences and ultimately grow support for agricultural research, education, and extension. ...

  8. Postdoc Orientation: The Essentials

    affairs (human resources, visas) Interactive panel discussions will feature: advice from recently hired ...

  9. Lightning Safety Resources

    Summer months brew up the prime conditions for lightning because of instability and moisture in the atmosphere, for detailed information on lightning safety visit the National Weather Service at ...

  10. Extension Emergency Policy and Operations

    environment, resources, property, or institutions. Emergencies range from relatively local events to regional ... emergency operations that will be necessary to save lives and protect property. Consequently, resources of ... response Plan, Federal Departments and Agencies having various authorities and resources have been assigned ...
