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Live Grain Rescue Demo a Highlight of Ohio Safety Congress and Expo
find information on available mental health resources for agricultural businesses; and list strategies ...
Fill Up on Gas from Garbage? Ohio State Campus in Wooster to Try It … at $2.25 a Gallon
a renewable, abundant, sustainable resource, Currie noted. “It’s not just that it’s an alternative fuel,” ...
Don't Let Slugs Rule the Roost in No-Till Fields
Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA Farm Service Agency and the Ohio No-Till Council. Early ...
Ohio State Food, Ag, Env Calendar Listings as of Aug. 8
plans and reshuffling resources to minimize negative economic impacts from the drought; features ...
Brazil Experiences with Rust Offer Insight for U.S. Growers
"U.S. producers will actually have more resources available than the Brazilians to assist in tracking ...
Carbon Storage in No-Till Varies with Soil Type/Depth
a research scientist with the School of Environment and Natural Resources, said that it is well-documented ...
UPDATE: Olympic-Sized Tale of Generosity Featuring Ohio State Retiree to be Told on NBC
being interviewed by former NBC news anchor Tom Brokaw and helping identify key players in the story, ...
Family Fundamentals: Resources can help measure financial fitness (July 2012)
July 18, 2012 We have little debt, but we also have trouble putting money into savings on a regular basis. I feel pretty comfortable with our family finances, but how can I tell if we’re really doing OK? Determining fiscal fitness isn’t always easy. But y ...
2011 Grad News
2011 C.C. Allison Awards Left photo: Dan Anco (center) with advisors Mike Ellis (left) and Larry Madden. Right photo: Gautam Shirsekar (left) with advisor Guo-Liang Wang. Ph.D. candidates Daniel J. Anco and Gautam S. Shirsekar were honored with the 2011 C ...
Global Warming in Your Garden? Common Plants, Bugs Reveal Important Climate Changes
pest-management program,ââ¬Â Herms said. ââ¬ÅBut we also see them as educational resources to create ...