
Search results

  1. BUGmobile at the Northeast Ohio Pollinator Festival

    The BUGmobile is partnering with the Northeast Ohio Pollinator Society for their celebration of ... pollinators at the Outdoor Learning Center Native Plant Vendors – Some of Ohio’s best native plant nnurseries ... their organizations Guided Tours of the award-winning Outdoor Learning Center Butterfly & Pollinator ...

  2. New Study Reveals How Hospital Modernization Improved Health Outcomes and Reduced Racial Inequality

    investments in general purpose healthcare, especially in areas with limited resources,” said Thomasson. “These ...

  3. Meghan Jerke

    Natural Resources and Environmental Science, Purdue University Improving understanding of arthropod ... biology and a minor in natural resources and environmental science. She has a research background in soil ...

  4. PhD Graduate Careers

     - Assistant Professor, Division of Resource Economics and Management, Davis College of Agriculture, Natural ... Resources, and Design, West Virginia University Brandon Genetin- Research Economist, USDA's Economic ... Forestry and Environmental Resources Xiaoliu (Sue) Xu  -  Senior Analyst, Eli Lilly & Co Yuting (Angie) ...

  5. Amanda Bennett

    Amanda Bennett Agricultural and Natural Resources Extension Educator The Ohio State University ...

  6. Mary Gardiner

    community structure and foraging in urban vacant land: Implications for managing pollinator friendly cities. ... Needs to achieve pollinator conservation in urban public greenspace. Frontiers in Ecology and the ... M.M., C.B. Riley, R. Bommarco, E. Öckinger 2018. Rights-of-way: a potential conservation resource ...

  7. Faculty Research Areas

    Insect pollinators are vital for the production of many fruits, nuts and vegetables, including apples, ... often controlled through the use of pesticides.  However, pesticides may be toxic to insect pollinators ... , setting up a conflict between the need for pollination and the need for pest and disease control. In our ...

  8. Ohio State Honey

    Rothenbuhler Honey Bee Research Lab, located within the CFAES Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources ...

  9. Carol M. Anelli

    A brief history of The Practical Entomologist and its contributions to economic entomology. Ent. News 100: ...

  10. Alexis H. Villacis

    Agricultural and Resource Economics Review and the Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging ...
