
Search results

  1. Rural Roadway Safety

    The Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health provides a webpage specific to rural roadway safety. The page contains handouts, posters, videos, and media stories all related to keeping the agricultural roadways safe.   Here is the link to the site for m ...

  2. Farm S.O.S (Strategies On Safety)

    resource. The  topics listed below contain a useable presentation with speaker notes. Supplemental videos ... was developed as training resources for farmers, farm families and employees. Curriculum-  Click on ...

  3. National Farm Safety & Health Week 2018

    Cultivating the Seeds of Safety is the theme of this year’s National Farm Safety and Health Week, taking place September 16- 22, 2018. Emerging issues and important topics will be highlighted daily ...

  4. David Showalter

    16-19 November. Showalter DN, Hansen RC, Herms DA, Bonello P. 2014. Using resource- and ...

  5. EPN Breakfast Club

    the School of Environment and Natural Resources  in Ohio State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and ...

  6. SAMMIE module topics

    When you login to SAMMIE, you will start with the "orientation" module.  This will give you an overview of SAMMIE, and the tools you will find in each module.  Then, we recommend you go through the first 6 modules in sequential order.  After tha ...

  7. 2012-2013

    intern in the Bonello lab Newcomb Scholar award (highest GPA in School of Env. Natural Resources, Junior ...

  8. Heat Stress Illness and Skin Cancer Prevention

    Great safety and health materials can come from a variety of organizations and programs. Here is a great info-graphic on heat – related illness from the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety and an info- graphic on skin cancer prevention from ...

  9. Emergency Management Planning and Education

    Extension personnel with a valuable resource that can be used to prepare for natural and man-made disasters ...

  10. Chunxue Cao

    SJ, and McSpadden Gardener, B.B. 2010. Biopesticide controls of plant diseases: Resources and products ...
