
Search results

  1. Chow Line: Caffeine OK, but can irritate stomach (for 10/28/07)

    common beverages and other products, is a good resource. Just go to the site and search ...

  2. A Snapshot of Migration: How one Mexican village is benefiting from its impacts

    self-identity and the means to survive under waning local resources and employment opportunities. In the two ... outside their front door, even running water, which is a scarce resource throughout most of the Mexican ...

  3. OSU Extension Heifer Program Seeing Success

    Development Program provides an outlet for producers to maintain their herd when resources run low and ... Let us be the ones to find the resources to feed the replacement heifers and allow producers to focus ...

  4. ATI turf professors highlighted in publication

    Zane Raudenbush and Ed Nangle, turf science professors at Ohio State Agricultural and Technical Institute, were featured on recently. Raudenbush, who started with ATI in January 2016, and Nangle who joined ATI in August 2016, share their persp ...

  5. Jafar Olimov – AEDE Job Market Candidate

    resources, from courses, instructors, contacts, and research support, has made Olimov’s experience at Ohio ...

  6. Six Ukrainian professors observe college teaching, Extension efforts

    Six professors from Ukraine observed classes in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics in 2016 through the  Faculty Exchange Program, a program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Foreign Agricultural S ...

  7. Cuyahoga County: Home on the Farm

    getting started and accessing local resources to learning the business side of market gardening and ...

  8. Saif named Fellow of National Academy of Inventors

    Linda Saif has been awarded the title of Fellow by the National Academy of Inventors. She was one of 175 academic inventors to receive the honor this year. The award is given to academic inventors and innovators who have “demonstrated a prolific spirit of ...

  9. OSU Extension e-Store Selling Educational Publications at Farm Science Review

    news and updates, follow Farm Science Review on Twitter (, Facebook ...

  10. Food Scientist Uses High Pressure to Keep Food Safe-- for a Long, Long Time

    (PATS) of Low-Acid, Shelf-Stable Foods," in the current issue of Resource, a publication of the ...
