
Search results

  1. Dr. Jay Martin discusses Harmful Algal Blooms with Senator Sherrod Brown

    ways to reduce Harmful Algal Blooms on Lake Erie with US Senator Sherrod Brown. Click here for the news ...

  2. Buck-IRB Changes under the Revised Common Rule

    web links, handouts, and resources Register via BuckeyeLearn. ...

  3. OSU team creates high-tech salad bar for future NASA missions

    Ohio State students make the news in the Columbus Dispatch. Check out the article OSU team creates ...

  4. Data Management Plans

    requirement in the near future. The Ohio State University Library provides resources and help to all OSU ...

  5. Space Gardening?

    department have designed a food-production system that can be used in space! Food Engineers in Extension news ...

  6. Q&A with Dr. Sami Khanal

    stress and occurrence, and food security. Khanal earned her Ph.D. degree in ‘Environment and Resources ... landscapes in which producers optimize their lands for food and feedstock production while managing resources ... crop sciences, environment and natural resources, and sustainable engineering), farmers, and industries ...

  7. Pond Management

    selection, and how to construct a quality pond. Ponds, Fisheries, and Aquatic Management Resources Ohio Pond ...

  8. Researchers in Ohio working to see if dandelions can be future of the tire industry

    researchers are featured in news article on about the use of rubber from Russian dandelions to ...

  9. Q&A with Dr. Darren Drewry

    of the environment and resource availability on people’s livelihoods. This experience motivated me to ... improve agricultural systems. FABE resources in Columbus and Wooster, and the outlying network of regional ...

  10. Monthly Newsletter (January 2015)

    Research News is a monthly electronic newsletter for faculty and other members of the FAES ...
