
Search results

  1. Jury Still Out in Ohio on Twin-Row Corn Yield Potential

    should not be overlooked, said John Smith, OSU Extension educator in agriculture and natural resources ...

  2. Refine Your Ag Production Techniques/Boost Yields at Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference

    Northwest Ohio Soil and Water Conservation Districts, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA Farm ...

  3. EORDC Manager Receives Ohio Cattlemen's Award

    operations of the Eastern Ohio Resource and Development Center (EORDC). He’s also the owner of one of the ...

  4. U.S. Treasurer Applauds OSU Extension's Spanish Financial Literacy Class

    Council and Ohio Gov. Bob Taft. "In spite of lacking economic resources, this program has been able ...

  5. Graduate School Welcome and Resource Fair, Ohio Union, Columbus


  6. SENR Graduation Reception

    The Reception will be held Friday, May 6, 5-7pm, in the KH Lobby and 103. All graduating seniors and graduate students in ENR are invited. ...

  7. McSpadden Gardener publications

    Resources and products for organic farmers in Ohio. OSU Fact Sheet.  10 pp. ... Gardener, B. 2004. Tomato fruit rot pathogens resistant to fungicides. The Vegetable Growers News 38(3): ...

  8. New Fact Sheet Describes and Documents Feral Swine Population and Their Threat to Agriculture and Natural Resources

    It’s hard to farm sustainably if your crops get wiped out by wild hogs. Here’s what you can do about it, courtesy of a new fact sheet (pdf) published by CFAES’s statewide outreach arm, OSU Extension.  ...

  9. Lilburn receives national poultry research award

    USPOULTRY  and the USPOULTRY Foundation have recognized  Mike Lilburn  (pictured, left), professor in CFAES’s  Department of Animal Sciences, as the 2016 recipient of the annual Charles Beard Research Excellence Award. USPOULTRY is the U.S. Poultry & ...

  10. Leadership Center workshops: Customer Service; StrengthsFinder; Conflict Management; Personality Spectrum; How to Get Along

    Feb. 17: Give ’em the Pickle Customer Service We’re all in the same business — the people business. It’s not what we make or sell that’s critical; it’s how we take care of the people who buy it. Our job is to make customers (internal and external) happy. ...
