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  1. Ohio Women in Agriculture Conference will Feature "How Well Do You Know Your Legal System?"

    director of the Agricultural and Resource Law Program, will serve as the keynote speaker.   Her topic will ...

  2. Legal Liability for Food Products will be Topic at Two Ohio Small Farm Conferences

    On Saturday March 8, 2014, OSU Extension Agricultural & Resource Law Attorney, Peggy Hall, and ...

  3. About (for homepage banner)

    Ohio&#39;s natural resources through science-based education and community service.</h3> ...

  4. Ohio AgrAbility 2016 Peer to Peer Conferences

    resource. In return you may have experiences that can help others adapt and overcome their disability to ...

  5. Ohio Watershed Network Webinar Series

    these efforts protected this outstanding resource, the Big and Little Darby Creeks’ aquatic life? ...

  6. Ohio AgrAbility Adds Two New Staff Members to the Project.

    resources, conducting presentations to farmers and agricultural groups, as well as providing on-site farm ...

  7. Ohio AgrAbility Program improving quality of life on the farm

    provide education, resources, and technical assistance to those individuals and their families so they may ...

  8. OSU Offers 2015 Farmland Leasing Workshops

    Agricultural and Resource Law program and Production Business Management program will discuss the topic during ... agricultural and resource law field specialist. The workshop, which will focus on factors affecting leasing ...

  9. OSU Ag & Resource Law Program to Create the Ohio Land Use Academy

    OSU's Agricultural & Resource Law Program has received a grant from the Ohio State Bar ...

  10. Current Volunteers

    Ohio’s environment and natural resources) and does not involve advocacy.   If you have any questions ...
