
Search results

  1. OCVN State Program Contacts

    ultimately allows them to value their local natural resources and thus have a reason to manage and conserve ... stewardship of Ohio's natural resources through science-based education and community service. The OCVN ... program is a research-based scientific training program that emphasizes hands on natural resource ...

  2. Annual Ohio Women Outdoor Adventures (OWOA)

    on-the-water workshops taught by trained specialists. Sponsored by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources ...

  3. 1st_ 2017 OCVN Quarterly Webinar Series

    dune ridge, marsh, swamp and glacial wetland, among many others. They serve as an outstanding resource ... 1995. She graduated from The Ohio State University in 1993 with a BS in Natural Resource Management. ...

  4. Special Holiday 2-for-1 Offer

    knowledge of students in their horticultural studies and to be a resource for learning about plants for the ... mailed in time to arrive for the holidays. Thank you in advance for supporting and adding resources for ...

  5. Forestry Forum Christmas Tree Sale

    Environment and Natural Resources, part of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. ...

  6. Songs and "Tails" From the Woods- Sam Sapp and Sarah Matheny

    resources and environmental management. Her passion is environmental stewardship through the connection of ...

  7. Songs and "Tails" From the Woods- Sam Sapp and Sarah Matheny

    and a Master of Science in natural resources and environmental management. Her passion is ...

  8. News


  9. 2016 Spring Plant Sale and Auction

    garden, please share this great news! For a list of plants including perennials, annuals, herbs, and ...

  10. Canadian Horseweed

    recommended. References United States Department of Agriculture – natural resources conservation service ...
