
Search results

  1. Biotechnology Consortium Seeks to Improve Ohio's Agricultural Industries

    information on issues that are important to Ohio's agricultural and natural resources industries. ... soybean root rot. "Agriculture and natural resources are multi-billion dollar industries in ...

  2. Soil Scientist Develops 10 Principles to Sustainable Soil Management

    and Development Center, suggests that soil and its resources are the answer, and sustainability can be ... Lal, with the School of Environment and Natural Resources. "It doesn't mean that agriculture ...

  3. Exurban

    Environmental and Development Economics  and Human & Community Resource Development  at The Ohio State ...

  4. Buckeyes Playing Long Game in Tanzanian ‘Feed the Future’ Initiative

    not transformed for the 21st century, that has very limited resources, that has outdated management, ... globalization and the importance of working internationally, but in order to do it you need to put resources ...

  5. OARDC to Host Large-scale Composting Course; 'One of Nation's Leading Programs'

    or incineration, composting recycles resources so they can be used in a more sustainable manner,” ...

  6. EEDS Program Graduate: How I Launched My Sustainability Career

    and Natural Resources. EEDS provides the core knowledge and skills students need to launch a career in ...

  7. OARDC, Ford Partner to Test Russian Dandelion Rubber for Car Parts

    Angela Harris said in a statement from the company. “Synthetic rubber is not a sustainable resource, so we ...

  8. New Icon Reveals the Power of the Plate and choose the "Family" resource area, and then "Families, Food and ...

  9. Wheat Down, But Not Out

    "The good news is that we looked at the soil and air temperatures across Ohio between October and ...

  10. Soils at Risk from Compaction When Spreading Manure

    damage to their soil. The good news, however, is that compared to large equipment on most grain farms, ...
