
Search results

  1. 2013 Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference Preview Meeting

    and market behavior with respect to farm, food and energy resources, and the environment. The meeting ...

  2. Special Wooster Seminar: My Big Story

    The OARDC Director’s Office, the School of Environment and Natural Resources, the Environmental ...

  3. Wexner Medical Center and James Cancer Hospital Tour

    Undergraduate students: You’re Invited! Pharmacy Career Services has partnered with the Wexner Medical Center/James Cancer Hospital to provide a unique learning experience for BSPS & other undergraduate students to tour the facility and meet pharmacy ...

  4. Office of Energy and Environment welcomes Dr. Daniel Yergin

    Biomolecular Engineering, Environmental Sciences Network, School of Environment and Natural Resources, Columbus ...

  5. Animal Science Academic Quadrathlon

    Congratulations to Nick Erf, Jack Korenyi-Both, Allie Schroeder, and Jade Werner for winning the quadrathlon.  Wish the team luck as they prepare to represent Ohio State at the Midwest American Society of Animal Sciences meeting over spring break! From Dr ...

  6. AWBC Meeting

    The next Animal Welfare & Behavior Club meeting will be February 28th at 5:30 pm in Enarson 238. Dr. Teresa Burns will be speaking about soring and controversial issues in the horse racing industry. Cane's chicken fingers will be provided! Hope t ...

  7. TWEL Andrew Vitz Thesis

    characteristics (structural and food resources), (2) patch area (i.e., small vs. large clearcuts), and (3) habitat ... vegetation structure and fruit resources. Consistent with breeding ecology of mature-forest birds, ...

  8. Spring 2014 SENR Seminar Series

    Environment and Natural Resources, who will present Fish Biodiversity in a Changing World. Freshwaters are ...

  9. Love for Puerto Rico Fundraiser

    This fundraiser will take place in the lobby of the Multicultural Center at the Union as part as OSUnidos Week on Wednesday, February 21 from 9:00AM- 6:00PM. All proceeds will go to the Hispanic Federation: UNIDOS and their relief efforts in Puerto Rico. ...

  10. This Week's Reason to Smile

    If you've ever stopped by Plumb Hall 116, you probably already know Teagan. Here's a picture of Teagan preparing to go out in the awful rain we had last Thursday. Although she looked very stylish, the raincoat wasn't her favorite so her mom ...
