
Search results

  1. Becoming an Ohio AgrAbility Client

    workshops and networking. OAP staff introduces new AT and modifications, shares resources from OSU ...

  2. Upgrade Your Tractor with a Camera System

    offer resources and education to all farmers on how to reduce the risks of injury, and introduce ...

  3. Hey there are even Sub Sub Pages

    Our mission is to conduct objective and timely research on agricultural and natural resource law and ... share our knowledge through informational resources, programming, and academic coursework. Our resources ... our Law Library. Visit the links below to access our resources and other information on agricultural ...

  4. Agricultural Attorneys Discuss Property Rights on Town Hall Ohio

    rights with Peggy Kirk Hall, OSU's director of agricultural and resource law,  Robert Moore of Wright ...

  5. OSU Ag & Resource Law Program to Share Shale Leasing Information

    OSU Ag & Resource Law Program's Peggy Hall and Clif Little of OSU Extension will speak on ...

  6. Webinars for online continuing education

    research on ag headwater streams and stream life: ... climate change and a variety of topics including ecosystems and water resources all or almost all based on ...

  7. OCVN State Program Contacts

    ultimately allows them to value their local natural resources and thus have a reason to manage and conserve ... stewardship of Ohio's natural resources through science-based education and community service. The OCVN ... program is a research-based scientific training program that emphasizes hands on natural resource ...

  8. Ohio AgrAbility Factsheets

    Ohio AgrAbiltiy offers informational resources such as these fact sheets to provide useful ... health condition. Farm Family Resources Assistive Technology for the Farm, AEX-983.2-11 Extending ...

  9. Annual Ohio Women Outdoor Adventures (OWOA)

    on-the-water workshops taught by trained specialists. Sponsored by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources ...

  10. New Bulletin from Ohio AgrAbility

    AgrAbiltiy has produced a new resource publication: Selecting and Operating a Wheelchair to Meet Your ...
