
Search results

  1. Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth Problems Developing in Ohio – What Dairy Producers Need to Know

    FirsRate, etc.).  The good news is that our resistance problems are overall less severe than in the southern ...

  2. Sustainability NOW! Youth Summit Application

    take place November 8, 2014 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Youth Summit will focus on water resources ...

  3. Prothonotary Warbler draws faculty member to Panama

    Resources spent part of winter break in Panama working with colleagues and students on study abroad through ...

  4. What Does Discovery of Bovine Tuberculosis in a Herd in Ohio Mean for Ohio Livestock Farmers?

    this change is the nature and amount of animal movement.  In a recent news article, it was reported ... a tremendous investment in public and private resources, and the unaffected farms in that state share heavily ... in two years.  This is good news for most producers in states that have had their status downgraded ...

  5. Milk and Dairy Product Production Climbs- What's Down the Road for Milk Prices?

    The Dairy Market News reports that cheese markets are weak and may remain so over the next couple of ... functioned as the Advanced Class I mover was back in February 2002. This is not good news. The Advanced Class ...

  6. Dairy Educational Forum and Open House  In the afternoon, the attendees were invited to an open house at the Waterman Dairy Farm whereby ...

  7. Meeting Focuses on Role of Ecological Restoration and Sustainability

    Resources (SENR), and one of the organizers of the meeting noted, "We're excited to be partnering ...

  8. Speakers to Look at LEED, New 'Sustainable Sites Initiative'

    network’s coordinator and a lecturer in Ohio State’s School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR). The ...

  9. Phosphorus and Nitrogen and Carbon, OH MY! The role of wetlands in mitigating pollutants in our landscape and globe

    proposing here a sizeable increase in our wetland resources around the world, solving the diminishing ...

  10. SENR Students Take Advantage of Opportunities to Gain Real World Experience

    Environmental Chemistry Lab in the School of Environment and Natural Resources to gain experience in laboratory ... of Environment and Natural Resources would like to thank the many individuals, organizations and ... opportunities. Students interested in learning more about environment and natural resource-related internships ...
