
Search results

  1. OSU Extension Expert: Cold Weather Increases Livestock Energy Needs

    body temperature, said Rory Lewandowski, an agricultural and natural resources educator for OSU ...

  2. Raise Your Hand for 4-H

    Vote now and your state’s 4‑H program could win $5K, $10K or $20K to help more young people do, learn and grow. ...

  3. Bangladeshi Graduate Student Addresses Food Insecurity in Home Country Through Research at Ohio State

    precipitating an unprecedented demand for food and other resources. The statistic and its implications have ... fisheries and wildlife in the School of Environment and Natural Resources. Alam is a Bangladeshi student ... Resources, to study how water temperatures affect the growth and physiology of freshwater fish species, ...

  4. Testing Livestock Forage and Feed Samples Colder Weather Animal Care

    resources educator. OSU Extension is the outreach arm for the college. Cold temperatures, low wind chills, ...

  5. More Information

    SOAR: Resource Binder Beyond the Classroom Doing Business Buckeye Style Policies: Code of Student ...

  6. Spring Planting Requires Increased Focus on Safety

    Farm Injury Resource Center. The center said other equipment-related farm injuries include: being ...

  7. Academic Mentor Position Posted for Program Excel

    Please encourage people who might be a good fit for the Program Excel Academic Mentor position to apply.  ...

  8. Ohio State Research: Intercrop Soybeans May Offer Higher Yields, Financial Boost Over Double Crop Soybeans

    and open to the public, said Jason Hartschuh, an OSU Extension agricultural and natural resources ...

  9. OFFER Organic Field Day

    OFFER’s land resources include over 80 acres of land on three farms near Wooster, and at the John Hirzel ...

  10. Ohio Beef Quality Assurance Program Certification Now Available Online through New Ohio State Website: Assures Consumers of Beef Quality and Safety

    in agriculture and natural resources, agrees with the value of the program. He said the Beef Quality ...
