
Search results

  1. Paul Soltesz' Graduate Defense Seminar

    effective management of natural resources, an understanding of LW dynamics in these systems prior to tree ...

  2. New Research from Professor Irwin Offers Analysis of the Interaction between Humans and Ecosystem Thresholds

    Resources Sustainability Water ...

  3. TWEL Nancy Sundell-Turner Thesis

    a conservation planning process that must be completed rapidly and with little financial resources. Specifically, ...

  4. TWEL Andrea Lindsay Thesis

    of winter territories (as measured by moisture and resource availability) held by American Redstarts ... habitat should be more able to allocate resources to the formation of intensely colored alternate feathers ...

  5. Event Recap: AEDE Seminar Series – “Precision Farming Adoption in Ohio: Current Adoption and Anticipated Future Innovation” with Marvin Batte, AEDE Professor Emeritus

    years, with nearly no farmers surveyed using this resource in the early 2000s, while today 32 percent of ...

  6. SUSTAINS: Ohio State's Sustainability Learning Community

    Natural Resources (SENR), and the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES), ...

  7. Extension Emergency Policy and Operations

    environment, resources, property, or institutions. Emergencies range from relatively local events to regional ... emergency operations that will be necessary to save lives and protect property. Consequently, resources of ... response Plan, Federal Departments and Agencies having various authorities and resources have been assigned ...

  8. How One Ohio County Responded to Shale Development

    Natural Resources. Being proactive, establishing communication lines, and gathering information about the ...

  9. Exurban

    Environmental and Development Economics  and Human & Community Resource Development  at The Ohio State ...

  10. Terms of Use

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, School of Environment and Natural Resources, Environmental ... including but not limited to news updates, data, text, graphics, designs, logos, images, audio/visual ...
