
Search results

  1. Spain: Human and Animal Interactions Study Abroad Information Session

    Join us for the Spain: Human and Animal Interactions study abroad information session. The session for this program will be held Tuesday, February 28th, from 3:00PM to 4:00PM in Animal Sciences Room 212. An additional information session will be held Wedn ...

  2. Early Sampling Key to Better Slug Management

    are participating in a Natural Resources Conservation Services-funded program this spring to determine ...

  3. Can 'Naked Oats' Cut Organic Chicken Production Costs?

    "These research and Extension projects will give producers the tools and resources to produce quality ...

  4. 100 Students at 4-H Center Oct. 10 for National Eco-Bot Challenge

    through mid-2013 at, under Education Resources. Ohio 4-H is the youth development ...

  5. OSU Extension Plays Key Role in Solar Energy Development in Ohio

    learned from working on this project will makes OSU Extension an invaluable resource for communities ...

  6. New Department of Plant Pathology Chair Named

    the department nationally competitive in faculty, staff and resources while meeting the current and ...

  7. Get Corn Production Tips from the Experts at Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference

    Conservation Districts, U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA Farm ...

  8. Chow Line: Vegetarian diet? Get nutrients you need (for 2/21/10)

    offers a wide range of resources that can help (search for "vegetarian diet"). The first thing ...

  9. Chow Line: Not everyone can tolerate gluten (for 5/9/10)

    a fact sheet by the Gluten Intolerance Group of North America, available under "Resources" on ...

  10. Composting Boosts Turfgrass Growth

    outlines what they'll need in terms of budget and resources based on the type of soil they have and ...
