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  1. Ohio State Improving Water Quality, One Farm at a Time

    Taught by Ohio State University Extension’s Agriculture and Natural Resources program staff, the training ...

  2. News Tips and Events

    Tip 1: Keeping Farms Viable: Given the dip in commodity prices, farmers seeking ways to increase profits and cut costs can turn to a CFAES program that aims to help farms be more profitable. The Ohio Farm Business Analysis and Benchmarking program provide ...

  3. Water Quality Research at Ohio State

    in the preservation of Ohio natural resources will help preserve wildlife habitats and build strong ...

  4. Workshops for K-12 Educators

    BTES to host 3 workshops for K-12 educators over the summer.  ...

  5. Mission

    information resources Promoting information literacy and lifelong learning Maintaining resources to support ...

  6. News Tips and Events

    Tip 1: Syrup Season: Ohio typically ranks fourth or fifth in the United States for the production of maple syrup. This year’s season is about to get started, with producers just waiting for daytime temperatures to edge above freezing. How is the season lo ...

  7. 2015 Farm Science Review Takes On Sharp Edge

    London, Ohio. The Review will again emphasize the best agricultural research, resources, information and ...

  8. News Tips and Events

    Tip 1: County by County Snapshot. The contribution of food and agriculture to each of Ohio’s 88 counties has been compiled by Ohio State’s Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics. Find the detailed county reports here: go.osu. ...

  9. Ohio State’s Agricultural Fertilizer Program Helps Farmers Keep Phosphorus on Fields, Improve Water Quality

    attendance agreed that “Farm field phosphorus loss is a significant problem to Ohio water resources,” he ...

  10. Ohio State Announces New Public-Private Partnership to Enhance Ohio MarketMaker

    enhanced and expanded web-based resource with food industry-related information that links producers to ...
