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News: FPEF awards scholarship to Ohio State ATI student
Cherry Hill, NJ – The Fluid Power Educational Foundation (FPEF) Board of Trustees awarded John-Murphy Paulin of Nova, Ohio a $2,000 scholarship. John-Murphy will be a freshman at Ohio State ATI, beginning autumn semester 2015. “A minimum GPA, an essay, a ...
4-H News and Notes: March 11, 2016
4-H Activity Fee Scholarship Applications Due March 15th, March Link 4-H Newsletter available online, Plowboy Prom, Ohio Beef Expo, Rural Youth Square Dance, Bi-State Youth Poultry Clinic, and many more upcoming events and reminders. ...
News: Vaccination Requirement for Incoming Students
Effective Autumn 2015, The Ohio State University will institute a new vaccination requirement. It has three (3) components to its Vaccination Requirement. Please review each component below to determine which is/are applicable in your circumstance. (All m ...
The Glass Castle: ATI Programming Page
environment? 4. Resources from other colleges and universities Californina State University Northridge ...
News: Faculty, staff honored for service, scholarship, teaching and advising
Ohio State ATI held its annual faculty/staff recognition event on April 21. The following were honored: Oustanding Staff Award — Connie Miller, administrative assistant, horticulture Outstanding Advising Award — Mike Amstutz, livestock science Distinguish ...
OARDC’s BioHio Research Park Attracts Companies, Creates Jobs in Growing Green Economy
has enough biomass resources to run 6,447 farm-scale and industrial-scale biogas plants. OARDC ...
OARDC’s BioHio Research Park Attracts Companies, Creates Jobs in Growing Green Economy
resources to run 6,447 farm-scale and industrial-scale biogas plants. OARDC scientists are leading the way ...
Researcher Targets Widespread Respiratory Virus
university resources in programs with a potential for significant impact in their fields. Martha Filipic ...
A Milestone Reached: OARDC Dedicates First-in-Ohio Ag Safety Facility
agricultural biosciences in northeast Ohio. "This facility will be a tremendous resource, allowing for new ...
'Just What I Needed': Extension Nurtures Entrepreneurs in University District
Our residents receive skills and resources they need to be self-reliant, and this is helping to ... Schoenbaum Family Center at 175 E. Seventh Ave., but she makes the most of resources available. For example, ...