
Search results

  1. Genes in 'Bad' Fungi Could Lead to More Efficient Cellulosic Ethanol Production

    represents the most abundant and sustainable resource for biofuel production. OARDC is the research arm of Ohio ...

  2. Crop Growers Still Have Time to Switch to Corn if Alfalfa Stands Don’t Meet Production Criteria

    stands following the first harvest, said Rory Lewandowski, an agricultural and natural resources educator ...

  3. Animal Sciences Senior's Accomplishments Show Value of Comprehensive Ohio State Education

    bonobos, a type of great ape." Enigk credits the wealth of academic disciplines and resources ...

  4. OARDC to Host Compost Bedded Pack Dairy Barn Workshop on Dec. 5

    University of Tennessee; and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service ...

  5. OSU Expert: Farmland Value Projected to Increase in 2013

    behavior with respect to farm, food and energy resources, and the environment.  Because of the moderate to ...

  6. OSU Extension Expert: Cold Weather Increases Livestock Energy Needs

    body temperature, said Rory Lewandowski, an agricultural and natural resources educator for OSU ...

  7. TWEL Stephanie Hauver Thesis

    resources, such as occurred at my study site, are more likely the factors responsible for raccoon social ...

  8. Ohio State Bestows First Woman Animal Sciences Honor

    academic programs in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at Oklahoma State ...

  9. USDA: More Corn, Fewer Soybean Acres This Year

    March 29, 2002 Editor: This article has been released to the joint OSU-Purdue electronic news ...

  10. Researcher Seeks to Solve Tomato Shape Riddle, Develop New Varieties

    like regular tomatoes but without any seeds. This might be of interest to seed companies and great news ...
