
Search results

  1. Field Crop Irrigation May Work For Some Ohio Growers

    growth," said Brown. For example, average water use of a corn crop during pollination and grain fill is ...

  2. Researchers Take Close Look at Emerging Corn Virus

    —especially B73 and Mo17— was easily infected. The good news is that Oh1VI, a recently released line with ...

  3. Chow Line: Encourage, support overweight child (4/6/12)

    resources you can draw on for more ideas. In particular, see "Helping Your Overweight Child" from ...

  4. Records Management

    RESOURCES Benefits documentation Sick leave documentation (final) – retained for 10 years per Ohio law ...

  5. Free OSU Extension Workshop Promotes Farmers' Market Development

    resources and strategies to assist their local food system by incorporating a farmers' market. The ...

  6. 4-H News and Notes: September 19, 2016

    Thank you to everyone that helped make this year's Wayne County Fair a positive and successful experience for thousands of fairgoers, 4-H members, volunteers, and countless others.  Your hard work and dedication throughout the year is what makes our ...

  7. Satellite Program Answers Farm Bill Questions

    agri-businesses and related agricultural and natural resources agencies may have questions regarding its content ...

  8. Cheese May Help Struggling Dairies. OSU Extension Cheese-Making Workshop is Back

    Windsor, Ohio. Registration is $450 per person and includes course tuition, resource materials, all ...

  9. OARDC to Host Large-scale Composting Course; 'One of Nation's Leading Programs'

    or incineration, composting recycles resources so they can be used in a more sustainable manner,” ...

  10. OARDC, Ford Partner to Test Russian Dandelion Rubber for Car Parts

    Angela Harris said in a statement from the company. “Synthetic rubber is not a sustainable resource, so we ...
